OpenPlant Modeler Help

Item Types in ProSteel Reports

The image below illustrates how an Item Type and an Item value are mapped to a ProSteel report.

An example of Item type mapped with Report for ProSteel

Note: The examples in this document show one item attached to a ProSteel object to simplify the images and the explanations. More than one item can be attached to ProSteel object if the Items are different Item Types. The respective ProSteel partlist database and corresponding reporting tool of that discipline support it.

The Item Type names are mapped to a List & Label field name (purple and orange) which can be referenced in a List & Label report template (green). When the report is generated, the field name is used to get the Item value (red) for the part.

A ProSteel report contains a row for each different part (verses a row for each part). When a report includes Item values, the values are used in determining different parts.

Report Examples

The following are two reports for the same rectangular platform. A "PartFinishes" Item has been attached to most of the shapes-though with different "PaintColor" values. The first report does not include the "PaintColor"; the second report does.

Note: the rows in the second report for the shorter C6x8.2 parts.